Proclamation of the 1st Svelta Cup race -Potamos village, Kythira

The Mazzipetti bike shop and the Kytherian Foundation for Culture and Development (KIPA) in cooperation with the Municipality of Kythira island  he Cultural Association “Portokalia” and Kythera Trails, organize  mountain bike and trail running open type races in Potamos village, Kythira. The races are part of the cup called “Svelta” 2021-22 and are the first of the series.


Kind of race: XC (cross country) Mountain bike and trail running

Date of the event: Sunday, November 21, 2021

Time/place of start/finish: 09:30 o’clock in the central square of Potamos village


Route description: The race route will be a circuit of 5.5 of 5.5 km of low technical difficulty with small ascents and descents common for running and cycling and will consist of gravel roads – rural dirt roads – concrete roads – paved roads as well as a part of a signed trail by Kythera Trails.


Route distances: 

Cycling 11km (two 5.5km laps)

5.5km run

The route will be marked for reconnaissance from 20/11 morning hours.


Feed zones:
There will be one (1) station for the run and three (3) for the bike.

Stations may be modified depending on weather conditions. 


The following categories will be available for each sport:



Junior high school students

High school students

Elementary school students 6-9 years old (separate course)

Primary school pupils 10-12 years old (separate route)


Race programme:

Saturday 20/11 10:00-14:00 collection of numbers from Mazzipetti

Sunday 21/11 08:00-09:20 number collection from the cup’s desk in the central square of Potamos village

09:20-09:30 technical briefing

09:30 start of the running race

10:45 start of the cycling race

12:30 awards ceremony

13:00 start of the running race for primary school pupils

13:30 start of the cycling race for primary school pupils

14:00 awards for primary school pupils


Primary school pupils’ races

Circuit of 1200 meters common for running and cycling on the cobbled paths of the River. The route will be modified for children aged 6-9 years old.



Awards will be given to the top three (3) finishers in each category in each sport. All participants will receive a commemorative medal. 


Cup Rating (for each sport separately)

1st 40 points

2nd 35 points

3rd 30 points

4th 25 points

5th 20 points

6th 18 points

7th 16 points

8th 14 points

9th 12 points

10th 10 points

11th 9 points

12th 8 points

13th 7 points

14th 6 points

15th 5 points

16th 4 points

17th 3 points

18th 2 points

19th 1 points


Other info:

-Those who have reached the age of 18 are eligible to participate. For minors, the completion of an affidavit of the guardian is required (provided by the organizers upon receipt).

-Use of a helmet for cycling is compulsory. 

-For participation in the race, the respective health protocols of the GGA apply. 

-The use of a mask at the starting area and secretariat is compulsory.

Participation fee:

10,00 € for the cycling race

5,00 € for the running race

12,00 € for participation in both sports.

Payment will be made on receipt of the entry number.
Entries under the age of 18 are free of charge.



By email to or in person at Mazzipetti. Necessary information to be provided: Name, Age, Contact Phone, Sport.

Closing date for registrations 19/11.



+302736033762, +30 6972814830 and at Mazzipetti.


“Along Pedaling, Mind Playing.”